Saturday, November 23, 2019

Lewis Proclaims: "I'm Center Right"

CNN's in house Republican declared the other day, in a post in his newsletter, that despite supporting the impeachment of a conservative President, that he is never the less politically "center right."

A conservative would say that the constitution requires "High Crimes and Misdemeanors" to impeach a President. That is impeachment requires an actual violation of law. Which was present in the two Presidential impeachment cases, Johnson and Clinton. You see they actually committed crimes.

Lewis doesn't cite any law breaking, rather pushes focus grouped reasons. "abuse of power" "extortion", "Un Presidential conduct." And recently 'bribery'.

He and the Democrats will soon push the claim that the President committed Bribery. The framers wrote in a prohibition against bribery because they didn't want our President to be bribed by a foreign country. Makes sense. That goes along with Treason. But the Democrats aren't claiming he was bribed by another country. They are claiming he tried to bribe another country!

Something the framers never considered nor were concerned with.

But Lewis and the Democrats know from focus groups that Bribery does well. So they will use the federal standard of bribery and claim Trump is guilty. The Federal standard of bribery was written in the 1960's. Trump is not even guilty by that standard, but it is a looser standard.

A conservative would follow the words and the meaning of the constitution. But of course CNN's Matt Lewis is not a conservative.

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