Sunday, February 9, 2020

Lewis Stumbles On to The Truth, Trump "keeps winning, so why would he change."

In the wake of the acquittal of President Trump the left has come together with a joint complaint, a false narrative, that is President Trump should follow the Bill Clinton lead,the last President to be impeached, and apologize for putting the country through this needless ordeal.

Sounds fair? They both were impeached, Clinton apologized, so shouldn't Trump? Otherwise Trump may not have "learned his lesson."

This is the argument that MSNBC was pushing the other day, and of course, CNN's Matt Lewis wanted to join in. Lewis represents the CNN wing of the conservative movement, so they naturally brought him on to advance the narrative.

Well, the comparison between the two is like comparing apples and oranges. Clinton committed adultery with an intern, lied to his wife, lied under oath, and lied to the American people. Remember, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky..."

First, there is fundamental problem with the left and Lewis's claim that Trump failed to "learn his lesson". It implies that he did something wrong. But they know that Trump maintains his innocence.

Questioning if he has "learn his lesson", after he was acquitted, is like asking if he has stopped beating his wife.

Indeed Trump was overwhelmingly acquitted. A fact that Lewis didn't mention. Ironically Lewis wrote back in November of last year that the "walls were slowly closing in on Trump", and that Nancy Pelosi was smart, and justified in moving forward with impeachment.

Of course Lewis was totally wrong. But I digress. Back to his latest talking point.

What horrible thing did Trump do that warrants a national apology? Lewis doesn't make clear, except in this interview he simply refers to Trump's supposed lie, that the call with the Ukrainian leader was "perfect." Lewis splits hairs and claims that it wasn't really perfect. Wow a lie!

Lewis says,
"It is one thing to do bad things, but you can't really forgive people if they haven't confessed, Donald Trump said it was a perfect call."
Well, saying it was a perfect call, when really it was an imperfect call is hardly a sin requiring a national apology.

Lewis praises Clinton's admission that he exercised bad judgement and that he apologized to the American people. Why can't Trump he wonders? Lewis then engages in pop psychology and says Trump has trouble admitting mistakes. He mentions that Trump said in 2015 that he didn't even ask God for forgiveness.

Lewis brings up the Trump quote from 2015 about not asking God for forgiveness because Lewis thinks it hurts Trump with evangelicals. It doesn't, and next time Lewis brings it up I will post a response as to why it doesn't move evangelicals away from Trump.

There is only one significant thing that Lewis says during the interview. Lewis inadvertently stumbles onto the truth. He says:
"First off, all he does is win, thanks to enablers like Collins, he keeps winning, so why would he change.."

How is Senator Collins an enabler? Well, she didn't vote to convict Trump. Lewis doesn't mention that she didn't have any reason to vote to convict the President. There was nothing impeachable in either count and even if she did vote to convict him the Democrats would still be far short of the 67 votes needed to convict.

A successful President tries to get as many enablers as possible in the senate. With 51 senators a President stands a good chance at passing much of his agenda, and with 60 enablers in the senate a President can be great.

Trump's ability to acquire enablers in the senate is to his great credit. A point lost on Lewis.

Of course Lewis would prefer that Trump win less and apologize more, because Trump is a conservative. To Lewis Trump must be stopped.

I must say I don't understand why it is good to have a President that apologizes.

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