Sunday, December 15, 2019

Lewis Cites A Fox Poll. One Problem, It's Not Good News For His Side.

"The walls are slowly closing in on Trump." declared CNN never Trumper Matt Lewis several weeks ago. "Nancy Pelosi is right on this one." Lewis was ebullient. Finally, we have got Trump.

Now, at some level Lewis had to know that there were no grounds for impeachment. He tried everything, "quid pro quo", "bribery", "campaign finance violations", "extortion." None of it fits.

As of his last column on the left wing site the Daily Beast, Lewis was down to, "attempting to coerce a foreign leader into announcing an investigation into Joe Biden."

Not impeachable, but certainly laughable. There was no announcement and no investigation. We don't impeach Presidents based on imaginary crimes.

Well, the House is about to pass, with only Democrat votes, two articles of impeachment. Lewis didn't mention the actual articles in his last Daily Beast column, so I will.

They are "obstruction of congress", a made up crime and "abuse of power." On the first article, the legislative and executive branches are equal. And if they are at loggerheads, the executive can fight it out in court. Not a crime.

Trump released the transcript of the call with Zalensky, even though he had every right to withhold it. A transcript Pelosi admitted that she hadn't read before she launched the impeachment push.

The second article "Abuse of power" is equally ridiculous. The executive has a right to say to a foreign leader, "Do me a favor and find out what happened." The legislative branch can't restrict the speech of the executive.

Despite not meeting a constitutional standard Lewis is of course still an advocate for impeachment. Of course a constitutional conservative, which Lewis is not, would oppose impeachment in this case.

But Lewis doesn't seem discouraged. On Twitter, he sites a Fox poll which he thinks is positive.

First he ignores the fact that Trump's approval rating is up from the last Fox poll, 45 percent today as opposed to 43 percent in October.

He shows a screen shot of these results on twitter:

Abused his Power 53 percent
Obstructed Congress 48 percent
Committed Bribery 45 percent

Good news for the impeachment forces? No.

Two of the three listed don't have majority support. The "Abuse of power." is vague and not a crime. It is a characterization. It can mean all kinds of things that aren't impeachable. After Obama signed the ACA you probably had a majority that would describe that as "an abuse of power." Or his DACA executive order. A majority may have thought that was an abuse of power.

If you listen to Lewis's colleagues at CNN Trump has been putting children in cages at the southern border. That's got to be "abuse of power."

To impeach a President you need broad bi partisan support. If after a month of hearings, and around the clock CNN and media propaganda in favor of impeachment, the public is still evenly split, that is not good news for Lewis and the Democrats.

The last President to be impeached came out stronger. So will Trump.

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