Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Lewis Claims His Position on Impeachment is 'Consistent."

As support for impeachment of President Trump continues to slip, CNN's token Republican Matt Lewis claimed on Twitter today:

"As much as I’m a member of the “media,” my position on Trump is consistent with my position on Clinton: They both deserved to be impeached. Others (including Republicans making excuses for Trump) are being inconsistent."

By consistent, Lewis means he has supported an impeachment of a Democrat President and a Republican President. How opened minded.

Well, two points. Lewis wasn't with CNN during the Clinton impeachment. And while both Clinton and Trump have the Presidency in common, the cases are very different.

Clinton actually committed a crime, perjury. The Constitution requires "High Crimes and Misdemeanors" to impeach a President. So for Lewis to support both impeachments is inconsistent with the constitution.

He supports the constitutional standard in one impeachment, and a coup in the other. An impeachment, without High Crimes and Misdemeanors, is a coup.

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