Sunday, January 5, 2020

Lewis Claims Biden is a "Centrist", Ignoring his 40 Year Record in Washington.

CNN's Matt Lewis claimed in an article in the left wing "Daily Beast" that Joe Biden is a "centrist."

In his article, (with a rather funny title), "Joe Biden's Bipartisan Rhetoric That Infuriates The Left Is Why Millions of US Like Him", Lewis says of Biden, "He is a norm upholding(?) statesman, who is a centrist, and a healer."

Lewis calls Biden a "centrist" because he thinks it helps Biden. It is just positioning. He knows a guy with Biden's record will have trouble getting elected. So he calls him a "centrist" and hopes people believe it.

One problem though! Joe Biden has been in Washington since 1973. And he has a very liberal record. Think about it. He represented a liberal state, and ran for the Democrat Presidential nomination 2 times, now a third.

In the 1980's Biden was an implacable, but fortunately for the sake of liberty, ineffective, foe to Ronald Reagan and the Reagan revolution.

The American Conservative Union gave Biden a lifetime rating of 12.07 (out of 100) conservative. By comparison Rep.Beto O'Rourke scored a rating of 8.08 for his time in Congress. Not much of a difference.

Joe Biden dropped out of the 1988 Presidential race because he was caught reading speeches given by another candidate. An English politician. Margaret Thatcher, Winston Churchill or Edmund Burke? No, the speeches of an English socialist, Neil Kinnock, who was complaining that students had to pay for college.

When Biden was elected Vice President, he sent Kinnock an invitation to the inauguration. I am not sure if Kinnock even RSVPed.

Biden voted against the Gulf War in 1990. For those who may have forgotten, Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait to steal their oil and money. Biden voted against the use of force. Oddly, Biden voted in favor of the Iraq war in 2002.

Oh, and Lewis has praised Biden for his foreign policy "experience." These are focused group words, "centrist", "experienced", "statesman", "healer", "norm upholder"...

As far as Lewis's claim that "millions of us like him", I did hear Biden had an event in Iowa recently and 98 people showed up.

Look for Lewis to continue to call Biden a "moderate" and "centrist" in the weeks to come. If Biden falters, look for Lewis to jump to Bloomberg.

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