Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Lewis Pins His Hopes on Bolton

CNN's token Republican today, in his column on the left wing site "The Daily Beast", seems to have pinned his hopes on John Bolton - St. John the neocon to the rescue!

Lewis excitedly claims that Bolton's testimony could have "the potential to move the needle" and that it is a "game changer." Maybe, but I think it's another example of Lewis engaging in wishcasting.

Perhaps he does this in the hopes of trying to please his CNN base. Perhaps Brook Baldwin will have Matt on her show tomorrow to discuss it. She and her small audience could use some cheering up. And when Don Lemon is done laughing at conservative voters maybe he will have Lewis on to discuss the impeachment trial.

Don Lemon likes to hear from conservatives like Lewis.

I can see Lewis on the show with the tag across the screen "Lewis calls the possibility of Bolton testimony game changer."

If you cut through the usual Lewis clichés, obvious wishful thinking, and as always with Lewis convenient omissions, you can come to a few conclusions.

I will spare you, and me, the reciting of all of the trite clichés Lewis employs, and his hopes, which are the usual never trumper fantasies, rather I will give a couple substantive observations.

First, Lewis is blissfully unaware of the constitutional requirements regarding impeachment. He doesn't seem to understand the purpose of a senate trial.

Ever the optimist Lewis says Bolton's testimony could lead to more 'evidence", an admission perhaps that even Lewis knows that there is nothing impeachable in either article. Lewis claims that Bolton's testimony "could snowball and you know, actually get to the bottom of things."

No, the point of the trial is to judge the case that the House has voted on and presented. Have they proved High Crimes and Misdemeanors or not? Not only have they not proved it. They have nothing impeachable.

The other thing, which is common in all of Lewis's propaganda pieces, is his convenient omissions.

For example, Lewis claims that the Republican opposition to allowing Bolton's testimony is "indefensible." Lewis fails to point out that House Democrats didn't subpoena Bolton. I guess his testimony was not that important.

John Bolton was fired by President Trump. A point that Lewis leaves out.

Lewis mentions Lev Parnas. He speculates that Lev Parnas may have some damaging info on Trump. Lewis fails to mention that the House didn't call him. If Parnas had evidence of high crimes and misdemeanors why didn't House Democrats call him during the impeachment hearings?

Lewis claims that
"Republicans are being squeezed like never before. This trial just got a lot more interesting."
In this sentence Lewis is of course engaging in wishful thinking, but also a little deception. Democrat Representative Jeff Van Drew didn't support impeachment and he was squeezed out of the Democrat Party. Lewis doesn't mention that.

Tonight President Trump went up to Van Drew's district in New Jersey and held a rally with him. Turnout was great.

Despite his optimism in this post, Lewis has previously expressed skepticism that Bolton will help Democrats. On his January 23 post on the Daily Beast, Lewis speculated that Bolton probably wouldn't attack Trump for fear of alienating conservatives. And Bolton wouldn't want to do that since, "There are wars to be started… books to be sold!" A rich insult coming from Lewis who is with CNN and sells books.

Perhaps this is natural for bad writers of propaganda, but as always Lewis takes bizarre digs at people. He describes Senator Kelly Loeffler(R-GA) as "installed". Loeffler was appointed by Governor Brian Kemp to replace retiring senator Johnny Isakson.

Democrats need to pick up the seat this November. Lewis thinks that referring to her as "installed" rather than "appointed" may help Democrats.

And Lewis describes Senate Republicans as "craven". Another powerful word used by Lewis!

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